Disclaimer: I was gifted a press pass to Well & Good and there is some ad content in this post.

At the beginning of the year, I wrote a blog post on the difference between being alone and lonely. A fine line for any person, but that can be even finer while living remotely in some capacity or other. Whether on the constant move or not, there will be longer periods of time where you are likely forced to spend time by yourself. Whether you’re simply single and travelling alone, or take one journey by yourself.

And as the saying goes: wherever you go, there you are. So it’s important at some point in the remote life journey to get used to it.

There are, however, more initiatives for remote lifers coming out of the wood work post-lockdown. And spaces like Well & Good that are well-being and community-first are becoming the solution for people looking to feel less lonely.

Speaking to Charlie from Well & Good, she mentioned the difference it can make coming in for work and having a few people to speak to. It’s not as easy to make connections when your work team is you, yourself and maybe one or two others dotted across the world. And although working remotely provides a lot of freedom, we’re still human and enjoy simple interactions with other humans. Whether to try a class together or talk about the weather.

If neither cafes nor the rigidity of some co-work subscriptions are not for you, then I’d check out more spaces like Well & Good. They provide flexible options for people that work for your routine and working style. Whether you want to work an hour before a meeting, a half or full day.

Getting to understand your working style is huge and can do wonders for morale. Even with my headphones in working from a cafe, I still feel so much less lonely than when I used to work at a set desk five days a week in a corporate office.

No one remote life journey is the same.

So when I began choosing cafes depending on how I felt each day, or which friend was half-way between for a laptop sesh, it got so much more fun.

Taking back control of my work day. Making it my own. So that I live a life that’s optimised for me - and as a result everyone else around me - was a great move towards feeling less alone. It’s not so easy to feel lonely when life feels like it’s working out for the best.

Finding your people can take time.

And that’s okay. Keep in touch with loved ones at home, make a list of things you love to do and starting doing some research on social media for potential groups that enjoy the same things. Then, take the leap and head to local events and classes, like the coffee mornings at Well & Good. You never know who you may meet!

Take care of yourself and be patient.

Sure, making connections as adults can take a little longer, but the difference is we connect through things we mutually find joy in. So you’re already one step ahead.

Check in with yourself how you can. Journal, meditate, chat to a counsellor, exercise, do what you need to do to take care of your body and mind.

Going after the remote life dream looks fun - and it so is - but it means taking care of you like you’ve never looked after you before. Taking a lot more control back over your day to day life. Be gentle to yourself, and cut yourself some slack every so often.

I’m here for you as well!

Han x