advice for remote workers

Disclaimer: this is not another “optimise your home space” post.

No, as per HMW tradition, I’m going a little deeper. Because there’s SO much more to making the most of remote working than simply setting up a specific desk or getting ready anyway. Particularly during a time when lots of us are still not sure that we’ll ever go back to an office.

We’re at a point with COVID-19 where we’ve had to adapt to this new situation and now, it’s time to consider it long term. And just like there are long term habits to making office life work, so there are with remote working - even if you’re able to make it to cafes or a coworker space right now.

Here goes:

  1. Find ways to put a smile on your face (that’s just for you). Yes, it’s great you can now sit in your comfiest clothes on the sofa with your dog (guilty!) but cabin fever is a thing. Plus it’s so easy to simply get straight to work right from breakfast and let the day get away from you. Before you know it, the laptop doesn’t get put down in the evening or weekends and it’s become a part of who you are. There’s no separation (also guilty!).
    Find something that will physically take you away from your digital devices. If it’s reading, create a seperate space where you can settle in comfortably with your fluffy friend and a cup of tea. Or find a sport or activity you can do (within reason and safely during these times - I’ve gone for stand-up paddle boarding). Pets have been a godsend for so many during this time, but even the same walkies can become boring, so check out other routes you may not have thought of in your area maybe. It’s something that feels good for you and puts your mind at ease. No need to share it on socials or be “the best”. It’s your thing.

  2. Watch your health. Mental and physical. I thought working in London would be the most stressful working experience, but it turns out that working from home can be just that much more stressful and have an impact on your physical body.
    Not being able to physically see as many people and get out to different places as before - in the UK and internationally - has definitely felt unexpectedly draining. I’ve felt myself being more panicky and overthinking than normal after half a year based pretty much at home. There’s less stimulation, less to think about and so somehow you think even more about the small silly things.
    But did you know that a big part of your emotional reactions actually come down to how you move your body and what you put in your body? Try and be with what you’re putting in your diet for a couple of days to see how your body physically responds. This is how I found out that a veggie diet was actually much better for me. Sleep is also a huge one!

  3. Be kind to yourself and play! Did you log on at 9:08am but had a really refreshing walk that morning? It’s so easy to be hard on ourselves, but this is still a tough time of unknown to navigate - which won’t be helped by being extra strict with ourselves.
    If I’ve noticed anything, it’s that if we are kind to ourselves during this time and allow ourselves a bit of fun and space (I mean, I got back four hours in my day from not commuting!), we could actually come out of this more empowered and content individuals.

By easing up on myself, I’ve actually been so much more productive, have tried new things and got the results that I’d been putting off for months for whatever reason or excuse I had at the time. Now really is the time to perfect these habits so that by the time we’re (hopefully) able to move with ease again, we’ll never think twice.

It’s a bit of a crappy time right now, let’s be honest, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take the bull by the horns and steer it in a direction that works for us. A lot of it is just habits to be practiced.

What will you give a go first?

Han x
