My 2018 Dream (Blogmas Day 6).

This whole blog, website, personal brand, was born from the mission to inspire others to live their dreams. To demonstrate that whatever you choose to put your mind to is possible with a little action and tenacity. While the desire to deliver this to you, dear readers, has been the fuel to the tank of this winding journey, there is one - or several really - things I have never made very abundantly clear to you.

That one or several things are: my dream/s.

Yes, I can lead by the example of making my own dreams happen, but surely I need some sort of dream of my own to work toward too?! And for that, I apologise for never really sharing that with you. So here it is:

June 2016: when I purchased the URL for this blog, my dream was to pursue an entrepreneurial career that I could feel empowered by. Become my own #GirlBoss living in London and be financially free. In the process I wanted to document each step to demonstrate that their dream was just as much in reach as mine.

December 2016: my dream for 2017 was to be living and paying rent in London where I was able to pursue blogging properly and have adventures every weekend.

I had hoped to have published a book by the end of 2017 and been a speaker at Stylist Live 2017 as well. Neither of these happened, but there is a book draft and there is a little thing called email...

To be honest, last year I didn't really ask for much because what I had written seemed pretty huge to me at the time.

One year later, I'm honestly laughing. I was not thinking big enough, of what I am actually capable of!

It has been one heck of year, and somehow another one is almost at a close. The London Life became a reality. Something many can only dream of. So what next?

I am declaring that I will make the following dreams come true:

  1. I will publish the book draft - and throw an awesome launch party.

  2. I will be asked to speak on five panels.

  3. I will travel to Bali and Argentina.

  4. I will purchase my first (ethical and cruelty-free) designer piece.

Setting the bar high - and declaring it to you guys - makes me nervously excited and actually likely to make it happen. Bring it on!

How high will you set the bar for yourself?

Han x

Han Talbot5 Comments