Introducing The Remote Life

Remote Working is something I have been drawn towards for a very long time - from language lessons as a teenager sat outside a local Spanish bar, to writing my dissertation at 35,000 feet on a long haul flight and now, where I can take my business anywhere I want to.

It’s been a windy journey that’s required a lot more gumption than the glossy aesthetic seen on Instagram. You know, the all cocktails, yoga and sunsets on the beach - although these are definitely perks.

There is no one route into this lifestyle. Which can be both intimidating at first in terms of knowing where to even start, but also incredibly empowering! I mean, the amount of choices you suddenly have at your finger tips.

Through the years, I’ve given remote working a go. From early morning sessions on Han Meets World to trialling new work spaces in London on an actual work day to taking campaign meetings outdoors in Bali (we all have to do it once, k?!). And I’m always drawn back to this lifestyle. The flexibility, the control, the freedom.

And the stories I’ve heard - and experienced myself - from others doing similar things.

There had to be a place to document these incredible stories - both one offs but also the longer journey-type stories. How people got to where they’re at today. The way remote working lifestyle looks for different people. And what they’d advise people today - knowing what they do.

Cue: The Remote Life! A community and resource for current and aspiring remote workers looking for a place to connect. Taking my own advice, I wanted to create a resource that I wanted to listen to. So The Remote Worker became both a blog and a podcast to have conversations. Answer the questions I could hear people asking, but weren’t being answered in a way that worked for me.

Recording this series has been a pleasure and so much fun to bring to life! It tells that happy in between of the realities but also the empowerment and fun of how each guest has made their version of remote living. Plus, how accessible this lifestyle is for the person who wants to actually make it their reality as well. Like I said at the beginning, while it’s a perk, it’s not all cocktails, yoga and sunsets on the beach.

And you’re invited to be part of the journey! Pick a button and hopefully we’ll be remote working with you very soon!

Han x